What is “Reality”?

So random thought on my mind; what is “reality” why does it matter etc.?

First, obviously reality comes back to embodied reality. That is like literally being on your own two legs, walking around town, saying hello to people, smiling and waving etc.

Fake reality

Now what are the most pernicious things about modern day life? Essentially we are like plugged in some sort of metaphorical matrix, in our everyday lives and lived realities, we are like living on rails.

For example, most of us follow the same cycle. Sleep wake up shower, drink coffee head to work, grind at work, go home only to self medicate and vegetate to Netflix or some sort of movie or streaming thing.

How to free yourself

Now the big problem is, now that essentially, I haven’t really watched any media or television, besides maybe John Wick for the last 15 years or so, is that now that I’m finally free and detached from all this nonsense, I’m starting to realize how troubling, grotesque, and disturbing a lot of this media is.

I think the big issue issue here is desensitization. Our everyday lived realities are so uninteresting or boring or sad or whatever, and we seek some sort of extreme fake stimuli to keep us motivated?

Fake motivations

I’ll give you a real example; money wealth and riches.

For example, all randomly on IMDb watching the squid game 2 preview, and now… That we got bitcoin, and also microstrategy, the whole premise of squid game no longer makes sense, about prize money. Because now that we have bitcoin, you don’t need some sort of fake magical prize money ticket lottery thing. You got bitcoin which is more or less a risk-free return, at least 60 to 120% for the next four years! It’s pretty obvious.

Technically buying microstrategy stock is a better investment strategy

And I would actually rate that microstrategy is poised to even outperform bitcoin by maybe 2X, we might see a microstrategy have an annual rate of return of 120% to 240% a year, for the next four years.

That means if you have about $600,000 of microstrategy stock, you could easily see that balloon to $1.4M in a year, to $3.2M, to $6.4M to maybe $12.2M by the end of the Trump presidency.

Or let us say that you have about $2 million worth of bitcoin, assuming that bitcoin under the Trump administration might go up 120% for the next 4 years,  similarly speaking, you will see some monster returns!

Or simply put, microstrategy will give you superior returns over the next four years over buying Bitcoin directly.

If your whole ethos is accumulate more bitcoin by the bitcoin directly using Coinbase or something.

Also another strategy, buy and hoard your microstrategy stock for the next four years, and by the end of the four years you could just sell the stock and buy the bitcoin directly!

Double your money and make it stack!

So assuming that, ERIC Trump, the son of Donald Trump is committed to making bitcoin at least $1 million a coin, then what that means is I think we can expect that within four years, I think we’re looking at at least 10X in the next four years.

So for example, if you have $1 million invested in bitcoin today, by the end of four years you’re going to see that 10X to $10 million. Pretty cool. Or if you have $2 million invested in bitcoin, you’re going to see that balloon to $20 million.

Anyways, bitcoin aside, I been thinking about the future, investing in growing industry seems like a good bet. And what that then means is the opposite of not investing the stuff which are not going to grow.

Is the field of photography a dying field?

So some troubling thoughts; I look at photography, the world of photography and ultimately photography is my number one prime joy and concern. And now that I am financially independent like 1 trillion times over, and I really don’t have to worry about money ever again, I suppose I’m more interested in higher matters.

So when I look at photography, the whole photo industry, it feels like the whole industry is dead without me.

Look at all the cameras, they all suck they’re all lame. Even the best innovation as of late, the Linux S9, with the 26 mm f8 pancake lens is slept on, nobody knows about it rather than myself, and also nobody owns it besides myself. Everyone else has some sort of loser cannon, or even worse Sony camera.


So Apple is in a really bad position right now, like I just use that image playground AI thing, and it is so lame and bad.

If Steve Jobs were alive today, he would have thrown it into the furnace twice over.

I think the biggest issue here is that the issue of “app creep”– now that Jony Ive has left the company, and no more innovators or visionaries are there anymore, it is becoming like a weird mismatch or sludge of poor innovation ideas.

It’s essentially you have like a bunch of dudes, who might have worked in Microsoft or Dell or something, seeking to “improve “Apple products simply by making the processing power stronger. But this is not what we want, we want radical innovation!

But I wonder if Apple has become too big and fat, she no longer has a need to invade because she’s already on top, and everybody else is already trapped within her ecosystem, only to upgrade their iPhones until the end of time?

The disruptor

The disruptors dilemma; once you’re on top, I suppose the critical primary difficult issue here is once you’re rich fat, comfortable on top, in your yacht, partying with your burger babes, how can you continue to innovate disrupt etc.?

So for example, I think Apple has been trying hard to disrupt herself, without much fanfare or acclaim. Why? They need something radically new carte blanche, something that no longer is in the DNA or the soul of Apple.

For example, Apple is trying to over diversify interfield that she is not very very good at. For example, AI, image generation, and virtual reality.

If Apple was smart she should just refocus. Cut and axe the whole virtual reality Vision Pro department, and refocus and recapitalize on iOS as well as the iPhone. Take all the smart engineers who are working on the vision pro, and have them make the iPhone great again. Because the truth of the matter is nobody wants to put any device on top of their head, it is bulky cumbersome, and everybody hates it.

Even if in theory, a Vision Pro literally would weigh nothing, nobody ever wants to put something on top of their head. I think it’s just human nature, just look at any kid or child, they universally hate putting on hats beanies, or things would cover their faces. Most people would prefer to just pull out a phone.

Think Miniaturization

So what is an interesting thought is that actually, my opinion about the AirPods Pros has changed a bit; it’s like an insanely uber uber uber smart phone or iPhone that you could just plug into your ear.

Think of AirPods as like a really mini iPhone

For example I was just listening to a new Michael Saylor interview at the house, and one of the great things was while making my morning coffee, and shuttling back-and-forth and cleaning stuff, I was able to listen to the interview uninterrupted, without any hands.

I would actually say maybe a big focusing direction for Apple should be to refocus on the AirPods division. Like trying to figure out new innovative ways that technology can be embedded in the AirPods, in general etc., which can make life better?


Another big thought is what I find so infinitely fascinating about bitcoin is that it is real, it exists, it is the ultimate new form of property. Yet you cannot hold it in your hands, you cannot see it in the flesh. It weighs nothing.

Cindy said something funny; I have never seen a bitcoin in real life, with my own eyes, how do I know it is real and that it exists?

A similar sentiment should be about the internet the cloud, your bank account your checking balance; you have probably never seen it in real life, how do you know it really exists?

Same thing!

Things can be real without you actually seeing it

For example, many of us are chasing wealth and fame, yet all you see is maybe bots on the internet and social media following you. How do you know any of it is real?

What’s real?

So to be a little more specific, I think we need to break down the notion of real — the term of “real.”

For example, when we talk about things which are real reality etc., are we talking about physical? Like something that has weight substance, in space in time? Like a brick of gold?

Or do we mean to say legitimate? 

Physicality vs Legitimacy 

I think I see the big issue here is once again, maybe it’s a legitimacy issue. The reason why people do not think bitcoin is real and the traditional sense is that people do not value it for its legitimacy. Still even in 2024, incoming 2025 — people are still talking about how it seems like a ponzi scheme? Pretty backwards.

The reason why, is as long as you have mainstream media still talking about ridiculous notions of ponzi scheme, it’s going to trigger a reaction into people, discouraging them from entering the asset class which is bitcoin.

The biggest reason why bitcoin is not a Ponzi scheme is that there is no central issuer– it is decentralized; Charles Ponzi was the guy who invented his Ponzi scheme, which was based on fake coupons which were not backed by anything. And the reason why he guaranteed hundred percent return in 90 days is because he would just pay other people incoming money. 

Your margin is my opportunity

But who knows maybe this is a good thing because it gives us a little bit more buffer time to accumulate more bitcoins while we can, when it is still at a discount.

Michael Saylor actually made the interesting point maybe a year or two ago is that bitcoin was trading at around $35,000 a bitcoin or so, the general idea is that it is actually not desirable to have bitcoin magically become $100 million overnight because then if that were the case, we would lose our opportunity to purchase more of it when it was low!

Wise greed

And I think this is where it is wise to be opportunistic, and wisely greedy.

Whenever everybody is uncertain, shaking in their boots, it is wise to get aggressive, greedy in an intelligent way.

The patient investor

So my personal thought is as investors, we should only think of a time span for the next four years minimum. Ideally 10 years 20 years 30 years 40 years 50 years or 300 years.

How does one thing 300 years ahead? Simple, think about your kids kids kids. Like your son having a son having a son having a son.

And also, whenever I look at healthy fit successful men in their 60s and 70s and even 80s… I have a ray of hope. It’s like me, maybe gray hair, the silver wolf, Budweiser stronger more intelligent more sexy?

I’m the giga chad!

There’s a funny meme going around about the GigaChad, it’s like somebody who is like the most masculine guy of all time times a 1000.

The vision is essentially a man, with a very very slim waist, with an insanely jacked demigod upper body lower body, and jacked chiseled face.

Obviously the Russian bodybuilder is not a good model because he’s probably taking all the steroids on the planet. Yet this is obviously possible without steroids;

Intermittent fasting no breakfast no lunch, just a 100% carnivore dinner, try to have 4 to 5 pounds of beef meat, lamb, ground beef, 8020, beef ribs, beef liver organ meats etc. 

Financial independence, retire early

So this is a big thought; retire early.

How to 10x your income 

So this is a big; if I could guarantee you right now that you could instantly turn your income, wouldn’t you do it? Of course!

So it seems that the first easy strategy is to simply think of your income like 10 X.

For example, if you’re being paid like $20 an hour, assuming that you’re on the bitcoin standard, you’re essentially being paid like $200 an hour!

How to save money

Then the calculus becomes interesting; your impetus to saving money becomes predicated on the fact that anything you buy today, could cost you 10 X in four years.

For example that 50 bucks you drop on that thing, will be worth 500 bucks. Or that hundred dollars you put on that thing, will be worth $1000. Or even worse, that thousand dollar thing that thousand dollar iPhone will cost you $10,000 within 4 years!

Accretive or dilutive? 

So then this becomes the big idea; think accretive vs dilutive.

The smart strategy and goal is to become a creative not dilutive.


I will scream this until I get hoarse; think of gas, never ever ever own or drive or acquire a vehicle which requires premium gas.

It’s almost like voluntarily putting a leech on yourself or your healthy child, or bleeding your child to death.

For example if I could tell you that you can voluntarily take your healthy firstborn son, and bleed a pint of blood out of him every single day, would you do it? Of course not!

If we think about money in capital like economic blood, think the same thing.

You want to be accretive not dilutive.

What is accretive?

I have a funny theory, is that if you want to become the GigaChad the ultimate investor or whatever, you must make your body like a demigod.

So a very simple thought is a very very simple thing that could be accretive is muscle. 

For example, you lift heavy stuff, you lift heavy weights, in the evening you eat 5 to 6 pounds of beef, obviously you’re going to accrete muscle, skeletal muscle mass. 

And once again, 100% carnivore diet here, all meat no filler.

You do not need carbs

A lot of pseudo-scientific fitness people think that you need to consume sugar carbohydrates to accrete muscle.  this is all built upon a platform of flimsy knowledge, written mostly by people who are on steroids.

I have proven, and I am a very normal human being, that at around a body weight of maybe 160 pounds, a human being can lift 1000 pounds, while fasted, while not consuming any protein powder, steroids or whatever, can do it. And obviously I’ve built a lot of muscle mass, simply by following 100% carnivore died, all meat no carbs no sugars no starches.

I almost wonder if meat is like bitcoin. All killer no filler.